Universal White Time Healing
Universal White Time Healing
Relax Release Replenish

Hi, my name is Karen
I have been working with Universal White Time Healing for around 18 years now. I live with my partner Paul.
My background is in the NHS where I have worked as a Nursery Nurse for many years, at first at a maternity hospital, mostly on the Special Care Baby Unit with sometimes very sick babies. The past 20 years I have been working as part of a Health Visiting Team in the community. While working here I completed the Birth light Infant Massage course, and have worked with new mums and their babies to build a stronger bond and loving relationship with each other.
I have had the privilege of helping people during some of the happiest and the most painful times in their lives, and this has been a very rewarding journey for me, it has helped me grow as a person and has brought me some wonderful experiences, also pushed me at times to what I thought was my limit. Ahh but we are all limitless I have learned.
White Time has opened me up in so many ways and continues to do so, I find with White Time I have the tools to help people at a higher level and with profound results. White Time is my true calling and I feel so privileged to be working with it and I have now retired from the NHS just over a year, so I can now work with White Time full time.
I am qualified in all 4 levels of Universal White Time Healing.
I am qualified in 3 levels of Gemstone Healing within White Time philosophy.
I am qualified as a teacher of level 1 & 2 of White Time Healing & level 1& 2 of Gemstone Healing
I am a Giver working with The Board of Angels.
I also hold some of The Beyond knowledge and in 2019 completed the education for The Board of Angels. (For more information on this check out link below.)
The classes I hold for Universal White Time Healing and Gemstone Healing are held in Formby Merseyside, a beautiful coastal area. I am always happy and excited to bring these classes to people and as far as I am aware, these are the only White Time classes being held in the North West of England.
I feel honoured to have been asked to bring White Time here and make it more easily accessible to you, I am grateful for this chance to spread this wonderful knowledge.
I focus on giving out the teachings of Channie Centara Cha and her teachers, the Higher Beings of Light from “out there” to spread spiritual truth, knowledge, light, love and wisdom.
I teach Level 1 and 2 Universal White Time Healing and Gemstone Healing Level 1 and 2 at present but also available are the New Earth Teacher correspondence courses. I work with the many healing techniques within White Time, including distance healing for those who may not be able to travel to have a healing session in person.
I keep classes small and normally would not have more than six people in a class as I like to keep each class personal and give as much time to each student as possible. My teacher gave me such wonderful experiences throughout my White Time education, and I would honour her by striving to do the same for you.
Please browse my website for more details on all the teachings and healing available, and feel free to contact me at any point in your search.
If you are looking for higher truths, want to heal yourself and your life or help others to do the same, perhaps you have found a place to start.
I hope you find this site enlightening and I look forward to working with you.