Universal White Time Healing
Universal White Time Healing
Relax Release Replenish
About White Time
About White Time
This article was written and copyrighted by Channie Centara
Many of the things that humans consider impossible, unbelievable, fantastic, and unusual, such as psychic gifts and the ability to travel beyond the speed of light, are governed by something called White Time, which means past, present, and future, all in one unit (one time zone).
Many people limit themselves both in their minds and their thinking. One of the reasons that make people think like this is due to our way of developing our technical abilities. The human way of thinking has steered them away from the spiritual side of the reality. This applies to our way of technically building our society, and especially our way of constructing machines for traveling to other worlds. On top of this lies a firm belief that no other forms of life, except ours, could exist in our universe. In addition, we believe that we know the exact meaning of time. The sum of all misconceptions adds up to a totally wrong perception of how this universe is constructed! Because of this we fail to enter the inexplicable and unknown with open eyes.
On the other hand, a person who is a medium often understands “why” and “how”. You are either born a medium, or have been taught by another person, or the knowledge has been transmitted from one mind to another. This particular gift opens the gates for the ability to see beyond what other people see, and to look into all aspects of time. This is how White Time is used.
How psychic people acquire that gift, depends on whether they are born with it or trained to “tune in” to the White Time. People who are trained, mostly get their training from Angels, Guides, Higher Spiritual Beings, etc., or they might receive this knowledge from people who themselves have been taught by the above-mentioned Beings.
White Time can, for example, be used for physical healing. In a healing situation, the healer goes back to the time before the injury was inflicted to stop the injury from happening. The healer then heals the pain in present time, and finally sends the healing power forward in time to stop the possibility that a new accident might occur.
You can also learn to master the White Time in other ways. You can, for instance, learn how to sort out the present time. Then you will have the ability to walk through walls, since in past times, there were no walls! When a person connects to White Time, they connect on the atomic level in the body. You actually fill the empty space between the atoms with White Time. Every human being has an empty space between his/her atoms; some people have more empty space than others do. They have a wider and cleaner empty space, that is achieved through mental and spiritual development. In the end, this kind of person becomes one with the breathing of Earth and participates in lifting Earth into a more refined structure. This means that insight into spiritual matters helps the Earth to evolve as a planet! Extraterrestrials usually prefer to contact this type of person because their empty space can be filled with White Time, which will enable one to travel mentally, and so decreasing the need for travel “in the flesh” to other planets!
Space Travels
White Time can also be used in interplanetary travel. The extraterrestrial vessels use White Time-tunnels, which have been specially constructed. They can also be used for soul traveling over vast distances. But, there are also streaks of White Time traversing the universe like thin threads. These streaks, or threads, are often pulled together to form White Time. This is not an ideal solution, since they are unstable and not wholly trustworthy as interplanetary “roads.” If a thread breaks, the vessel will suddenly find itself in “real-time”, and might miss the next jump to another thread. White Time-tunnels are a better solution. They are stable and more exact. The Extraterrestrials use them to travel by “jumping” between different tunnels. This is how it works: all planets have something called a six-point system (for lack of a better word in English). Through these systems, the planet not only takes in White Time, but also “breathes” out bad and used up energy. If the six-point system is situated in a forest, for instance, it is free to exchange energy with the universe. Should there, on the other hand, be a house or a highway on top of the six-point system, it will be cut off. In the old times, people knew better than to build their houses on six-point systems, but nowadays we don't consider these things.
The tunnel is directed towards the sky. In itself, the tunnel does not contain enough White Time energy to allow a vessel to travel in its “beam” to another planet. However, when the tunnel points straight into another tunnel, there will be enough energy to allow vessels to travel through the tunnel. Imagine some oranges, each with a matchstick inserted in them. The matchstick is the White Time-tunnel. When they point directly at each other, the two tunnels connect.
White Time consists of six energies that together create a seventh energy. If you wanted to travel from planet A to planet B, with two tunnels pointing at each other, it would take no more than exactly 0.00043 seconds, no matter how far the distance! This is how interplanetary travel is accomplished: you travel through one tunnel, jumps to the next, travel through that one, jump to the next and so on. Also, you can connect two vertical tunnels, should you want to travel horizontally. This is accomplished by sending out small (4 inches to 7 yards long) dish-like vessels from the vessel in which you are traveling.
Often, humans spot these smaller vessels. But the large vessels we rarely see, because they are in a White Time-tunnel and cannot be seen. The existence of White Time-tunnels can explain why people experience a UFO-observation at the same site, differently. Three people experience different things, depending on if they are inside the six-point system, on the border, or outside of it. If you stand inside, you experience everything that takes place. You might find that your watch indicates a different time after the experience. Hours can have passed, and the person cannot account for the time. People standing outside the six-point system can lose sight of their friend inside. If you are standing on the border of the six-point system you may see something and you may not. You can lose vision of what is happening inside and it can come back again. The person standing outside sees and feels nothing.
The six-point system is common in nature, although it is not laid out in any particular pattern that can be seen or calculated. Systems where the tunnels open are typically 5-500 meters across. They can also be positioned together and form big clusters of systems, not unlike the ones you find in beehives. The borders between, inside and outside of the system would typically measure between 1-1.5 yards in diameter. The tunnel stretches upwards, and like a crystal, it becomes narrower up to about 248 miles above the Earth. Here it starts to widen again and continues to stretch out in space. The form of the tunnel could be described as two crystals pointing at each other. The place where the two “crystals” meet is the place where our Heaven is situated above Earth. Heaven is placed in another dimension and cannot be seen.
You can experience a six-point system in nature. You can search out a six-point system and draw energy from the female center, the male center or the healing point that is located inside the six-point system. Often, nature is at her most beautiful where a six-point system resides. Often, archeological findings accompany a six-point system. Our ancestors knew how to use White Time. Use a browser or pendulum to find a six-point system. If you come across one, interesting things can happen depending on whether the six-point system is activated (that is, pointing at another tunnel on another planet) or not. If it is activated, you may see a scale with the wrong weight, a compass going crazy, a clock showing the wrong time, specific smells, sounds and tastes. Your body may feel a tingling sensation, heat or cold, or you may feel the tunnel around and above you. A milky white haze may come before your eyes or the surrounding nature may become distorted. Lasers and light beams may set off downwards. A laser shot through a six-point system will break off downwards, but will return to “normal” when entering the world outside the tunnel. Also, equipment measuring electromagnetic fields will show a drop to zero when positioned inside a six-point system.
Certain people trained by Extraterrestrials can activate or even build a six-point system of their own. Every human being does this at least twice in his/her life: at birth and at death. White Time is used to travel down to Earth and “home” to Heaven or your home planet after death. The famous “tunnel” that so many people experience in the well-known “near-death-experiences” that you read about, is a White Time-tunnel.
The planets “speak” to each other through White Time-tunnels and exchange information and energy through them. Power plants built by Extraterrestrials use universal energy, taken through a White Time-tunnel. The best way to build a power station is to build two, one on your own planet, and the other on a neighboring planet and let the tunnels activate between them. You then proceed to build them in such a way that both tunnels are activated at the same time.
In the Bermuda Triangle, there are both a large and powerful six-point system, and power station beneath the surface.